Dear BCC family,
As you know, the church started a new Outreach and Engagement Ministry this year because Pastor Josh
and the BCC elders believed the Lord was calling BCC to be more active in engaging our local
communities. We did just that as we kicked off our new chapter in local outreach with the Erase the
Need drive in July. Because of your support, we were able to bless over 60 elementary and middle
school students with much-needed school supplies! The organizers at the Community Center of
Northern Westchester were blown away by your generosity!

In August, the Lord answered a big prayer request and opened the door for BCC to adopt Bedford Hills
Elementary School. This means BCC is dedicated to providing support to the wonderful faculty and staff
at BHES when needed. On the eve of their first day of school, BCC blessed the school faculty and staff
with lunch, and the BCC pastoral staff were able to eat and get to know the amazing BHES staff. It’s safe
to say the folks at BHES felt the love in their stomachs and in their hearts.

In September, BCC was part of the great September Fest event in downtown Mount Kisco. I don’t think
I’m being biased by saying the BCC table was the place to be that weekend! So many children (and
grown-ups) loved making sand art bottles with Melissa Cancro and our BCC volunteers, and this
provided many opportunities for our members to get to know some local families and for them to learn
more about BCC. And of course, our BCC Worship Team did an amazing job taking everyone to church in
the food court/public hangout area. We believe Jesus was exalted that day in downtown Mount Kisco.
Because of your support, many new people heard and learned more about BCC.
In October, we had so much fun hosting the Fall Festival at church. We saw many new faces (especially
new local families) enjoy crafts, like pumpkin painting and fun games. Between the games, crafts, and
the delicious food from the food trucks, everyone had a great time at the Fall Festival. This event was
only possible because of your support.

In November, we dedicated the entire month to showing appreciation to our local heroes through a
brand-new initiative called Thank You Tuesday. Every week, we visited local departments and blessed
them with delicious meals or treats. Because of your support, we blessed 300+ amazing workers at
Bedford Town Hall, Bedford Dept. of Parks and Rec, Bedford Dept. of Public Works, Bedford Hills Fire
Dept., Bedford Hills/Katonah Ambulance, the Bedford Hills Elementary School, and the Bedford Fire

Every department we visited responded the same way: with deep appreciation and gratitude for
thinking of them AND for all of the scrumptious treats! One of my favorite responses came from an
employee at the Bedford Dept. of Public Works:
“In today’s world, people seem to be quick to complain, quick to let us know when we have done
something wrong, or not fast enough – it’s quite rare to be thanked and I don’t think we have ever been thanked to this extent. You took more than several hours, probably days, doing all that for us –and it’s so obvious it was all done with so much love.”
Again, because of your support our local heroes felt appreciated, loved, and blessed.

Another great initiative that we’ve resumed is the Afternoon Homework Program at the Bedford Hills
Elementary School. The principal shared that finding volunteers to assist students with their homework
was one of the biggest needs for his students, so I am thrilled that BCC members have responded and
are currently serving the BHES students right now.

In December, we capped the year with a wonderful outreach, A Night in Bethlehem. The church
leadership were overwhelmed by the passionate and tireless support from over 70 BCC volunteers who
transformed every corner of our building into beautiful scenes from the Christmas Story, set up fire pits,
assembled over 200 s'mores kits, took on actor roles, and cleaned the church just hours before Sunday
services!  Because of their hard work, nearly 200 people heard and saw the true story of Christmas –
they experienced the Christmas Gospel.

Friends, in just a few months, God has opened many doors to local organizations, local leaders, and our
Northern Westchester neighbors. By His grace and provision, I believe we are living as Jesus’ hands and
feet – meeting the real felt needs of our neighbors with love and compassion. I believe our impact is
being felt by our neighbors! And this is just the beginning.

In 2023, I look forward to deepening our involvement with the Bedford Hills Elementary School and the
other amazing local organizations that serve the many felt needs of our Northern Westchester
neighbors. One of our main goals for next year is to provide several opportunities for our BCC members
to invite people (especially non-Christians) to social and evangelistic events. By God’s grace, we will
create safe spaces for people (non-believers and believers) to have honest conversations about God,
faith and life. As we continue to give God our YES in living out our Great-Commission-call, I pray for
souls to come to faith in Jesus and experience the life-changing-love that radically changed your life and

Join us in prayer for a move of God’s Spirit and the advancement of the Gospel in our region.
Also, if you have a passion for community service and/or evangelistic outreach, join us!

Thank you so much for your support!
Danny Cheong
Director, Community Outreach and Engagement